The City of Rome
Three Millenia of History, Culture, and Faith
University of Arkansas Rome Center
Summer Session I 2024
The Roman Forum - etching by Giovanni Piranesi, ca. 1775
Instructor: Dr. Charles E. Muntz
Dr. Muntz's Office: 408 Old Main
Office Hours: M 1:00-2:30 and by appointment
Phone: (479) 575-5891
Program Description
This faculty-led study abroad program will immerse students in one of the greatest and most important cities in the world: Rome. There is no other place where students can walk through 2000 years of history within a few feet. A walk across the city approximates a trip around the world. Students will be immersed in the history, culture, and beliefs of the Romans of almost three millennia through an in-depth exploration of Rome itself. Led by experienced faculty, students will get out of the classroom to experience first-hand the art and architecture of the Romans and learn about the intimate connections between material remains and the history and development of Rome first as a city, then as the capital of a political empire, and finally as the capital of a spiritual empire. Through the intertwining of ancient, medieval, renaissance, and contemporary culture that is unique to Rome, students will learn how the past is constantly reused and reinterpreted. Students will discover the unique influence that Rome has had on the globe from past to present.
Learning Outcomes
Understand the history of Rome and its place in world affairs, from antiquity through the present day, and how Romans constantly transformed and integrated earlier phases with newer developments
Interpret diverse Roman art and architecture from antiquity to the present as expressions of identity, political power, religious beliefs, and cultural values
Understand how Christian institutions and practices have changed and diversified over time
Understand how Christian art and architecture have developed from their Roman roots and as expressions of authority and worldview from antiquity to the present
Understand the impact of Roman history, art, and culture on the development of the United States
Evaluate historical and contemporary models for governing religiously diverse societies
Explain how the study abroad experience in Rome has supported the student’s own academic, professional, and personal growth
Two pre-assigned site reports, to be delivered in Rome
Four short papers reacting to the site visits, each due the next day
A final paper (3000-3400 words), due July
Grade Distribution
Site Report No. 1: 20%
Site Report No. 2: 20%
Final Paper 1: 40%
Reaction Papers: 20% (5% apiece)
NB - Because the final assignment is due after the end of Summer I, everyone will initially receive a grade of incomplete.
Students are expected to attend all lectures and site visits. Repeated absences may result in a student being sent home.
Required Textbook
MacAdam, Alta and Annabel Barber. Blue Guide: Rome. 12th Edition. ISBN 9781905131877. Amazon Link
Online Resoruces Available Through the Library
The Oxford Classical Dictionary - Standard reference guide to all things about the ancient world
The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church - Standard reference guide to all things Christian
Rome: An Oxford Archaeological Guide - Great guide to all the ancient sites in Rome
Ancient Rome: The Archaeology of the Eternal City - Deals with the development of Rome topically
Rome and Environs: An Archaeological Guide - More detailed site guide, but sometimes takes myths too seriously
A Companion to the City of Rome - Chapters on almost every aspect of life in ancient Rome
The Cambridge Companion to Rome - Chapters on almost every aspect of life in ancient Rome
The Making of Medieval Rome - History of Rome in the middle ages through the physical development of the city
A Companion to Early Modern Rome, 1492-1692 - Chapters on almost every aspect of the renewal of Rome
The Ruin of the Eternal City: Antiquity and Preservation in Renaissance Rome
Day 0: Sunday, May 26
Depart for Rome
Day 1: Monday, May 27
Arrive in Rome
Move in
Day 2: Tuesday, May 28
AM: Rome Center Orientation
PM: Obelisk Hunt
Day 3: Wednesday, May 29
AM: Lecture - Introduction to Rome
Eras of Rome History
Basics of Ancient Architecture
Basics of Ancient Art
Basics of Ancient Religion
The Etruscans
PM: Site Visit - Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia - Site Report: Haruspicy
Day 4: Thursday, May 30
AM: Lecture - Early Rome
From Kings to Republic
Early Rome Religion
First Roman Construction
Roman Trade
PM: Site Visits - Forum Boarium Region, including:
S. Nicola in Carcere
S. Omobono
Round Temple
Temple of Portunus
Arch of Janus
Cloaca Maxima
Arcus Argentarius
Circus Maximus - Site Report: Chariot Racing
Day 5: Friday, May 31
All day trip to Tarquinia & Cerveteri
Day 6: Saturday, June 1
Free day
Day 7: Sunday, June 2
Free day
Day 8: Monday, June 3
Free day
Day 9: Tuesday, June 4
AM: Lecture - The Republic
Growth of the City
Beginning of the Empire
The Roman Triumph
Rome and the Greeks
PM: Site Visits - the Capitoline Hill, including:
Piazza Venezia
S. Maria in Ara Coeli
Capitoline Museums - Site Report: Equestrian Statues
Day 10: Wednesday, June 5
AM: Lecture - The Late Republic
Dynasts and Civil War
The Beginning of the Marble City
Romans and the Theatre
The Roman Civil Wars
PM: Site Visits - Roman Remains on the southern Campo Marzio, including:
Theatre of Pompey
Largo Argentina Temples
Temple of the Nymphs
Porticus of Octavia
Temple of Apollo Medicus
Theatre of Marcellus
Day 11: Thursday, June 6
AM: Lecture - Augustus
Religious Renewal
Cultural Renewal
The City of Marble
Mussolini and the Appropriation of Antiquity
PM: Site Visits - Augustus on the Campo Marzio, including:
Ara Pacis
Mausoleum of Augustus
Palazzo Altemps
Day 12: Friday, June 7
AM: Lecture - The Successors of Augustus
Creating Dynasties
The City of Concrete
Bread and Circuses
New Religions in a Cosmopolitan Empire
PM: Free time
Day 13: Saturday, June 8
Free day
Day 14: Sunday, June 9
Free day
Day 15: Monday, June 10
All Day: Site Visits - The Fora and Colosseum
The Colosseum
The Roman Forum - Site Report: Vestal Virgins
The Curia Julia
The Imperial Fora
The Palatine Hill
Day 16: Tuesday, June 11
AM: Site Visit - The Markets of Trajan and the Museum of the Imperial Fora
PM: Site Visit - Palazzo Massimo alle Terme (National Museum) - Site Report: Garden Rooms
Day 17: Wednesday, June 12
Day Trip - Ostia - Site Report: The Cult of Mithras
Day 18: Thursday, June 13
All Day: Site Visits - Emperors and Museum Churches on the Campo Marzio, including
Column of Marcus Aurelius
Temple of Hadrian
Stadium of Domitian (Piazza Navonna)
Castel S. Angelo
S. Maria della Pace
S. Luigi dei Francesci - Site Report: Caravaggio and St. Matthew
S. Agostino
S. Maria sopra Minerva
Day 19: Friday, June 14
Day Trip - Tivoli, including
Villa of Hadrian
Villa d'Este
Day 20: Saturday, June 15
Free day
Day 21: Sunday, June 16
Free day
Day 22: Monday, June 17
Free day
Day 23: Tuesday, June 18
AM: Lecture - Constantine the Great and Late Antiquity
Late Roman Empire
Conversion to Christianity
Recycling Antiquity
Early Churches of Rome
Early Christian Art
PM: Site Visits - Late Antique Rome, including:
Arch of Constantine
S. Clemente
SS. Quattro Coronati & S. Sylvester Chapel
SS. Cosmas e Damiano - Site Report: Forma Urbis & Roman Maps
S. Giovanni in Laterano
Lateran Baptistery
Day 24: Wednesday, June 19
Day Trip: Via Appia, including
Baths of Caracalla
Catacombs of S. Callisto
Tomb of Caecilia Metella
Villa of Maxentius
Fossea Ardeatine Memorial - Site Report: Ardeatine Massacre
Day 25: Thursday, June 20
AM Lecture: High Medieval Rome
The Growth of the Papacy
The Carolingian Renaissance
The Pilgrimage City
PM Site Visits - the Esquiline Hill
S. Pudenziana - Site Report: Apse Mosaic
S. Prassede
S. Maria Maggiore
Day 26: Friday, June 21
Free day
Day 27: Saturday, June 22
Free day
Day 28: Sunday, June 23
Free day
Day 29: Monday, June 24
AM Lecture: The Renaissance
The Rediscovery of Antiquity
Julius II, Michelangelo, and Raphael
The New Art
PM Site Visits: Trastevere, including
The Jewish Ghetto - Site Report: Jews in Rome
S. Maria in Trastevere
S. Pietro in Montorio
S. Francesca a Ripa
S. Cecilia in Trastevere
Tiber Island
Day 30: Tuesday, June 25
AM Site Visits: The Quirinal Hill, including
S. Pietro in Vincoli - Site Report: Tomb of Julius II
Largo Magnanapoli
S. Andrea al Quirinale
S. Carlino
S. Maria della Vittoria
S. Maria degli Angeli (Baths of Diocletian)
PM Lecture: Baroque Rome
Alexander VII
Bernini & Borromini
Reformation and Counter Reformation
Day 31: Wednesday, June 26
Site Visit: The Vatican Museums
Day 32: Thursday, June 27
AM Site Visit: S. Pietro in Vaticano
PM Site Visits: The Campo Marzio, including
The Gesù - Site Report: Jesuit Churches
S. Andrea della Valle
S. Ignazio
Chiesa Nuovo
Campo dei Fiori
Piazza Navona - Oral Report: Fountain of the Four Rivers
Farewell Dinner
Day 33: Friday, June 28
Fly away home
Day 34: Saturday, June 29
Fly away home