The Invasion of Asia Minor

Ancient readings:
Arrian 1.12.6-2.3
Diodorus 17.17-29
Justin 11.6-7
Plutarch: Alexander 14-18
Curtius Rufus 3.1

Modern Readings:
Hammond, N. G. L. "The Battle of the Granicus River." JHS 100 (1980): 73-88
Devine, A. M. "A Pawn Sacrifice at the Battle of the Granicus: the Origins of a favorite stratagem of Alexander the Great." Ancient World 18 (1988): 3-20
Green, Peter. Alexander of Macedon. pp. 168-181, 489-512
Romane, J. P. "Alexander's Sieges of Miletus and Halicarnassus." Ancient World 25 (1994) 61-76.


  1. What steps does Alexander take to "advertise" his invasion and create his own image during this period?
  2. What is Alexander's approach towards the Greek cities of Asia Minor? What is the approach of the Greek cities towards Alexander?
  3. What are the differences between Arrian and Diodorus in their accounts of the Battle of the Granicus? On what do they agree?
  4. How well can we reconstruct the Battle of the Granicus? What does it reveal about Alexander's tactics? What does it reveal about Persian tactics?
  5. What can we infer about the attitude of the sources of Arrian and Diodorus to Alexander?
  6. What are Alexander's relations with his generals, especially Parmenio, like?
  7. What is the strategy of Memnon of Rhodes? How does it change as Alexander advances? Why does Diodorus give more detail?
  8. What does Memnon reveal about the role of Greek mercenaries in the Persian Empire, and their relationship with the Persians?
  9. What kind of administrative apparatus does Alexander put in place as he "liberates" Asia minor? What does this show about his overall strategy and his larger plans?
  10. How does Alexander conduct siege warfare? Do we see his tactics evolve from Miletus to Halicarnassus?
  11. What is the purpose of the Gordion knot? What are we to make of the different stories of how Alexander unties it?