The Bibliotheke

χρὴ εὖ μάλα πολλῶν ἵστορας φιλοσόφους ἄνδρας εἶναι

The Internet home of Professor Charles E. Muntz


Demosthenes (384-322) was the leading orator and statesman in Athens during the late fourth century and a key figure in the Greek resistance to Macedon. He studied rhetoric under Isaeus and spent much of his early life trying to recover his inheritance from corrupt guardians. He began working as a logographer, and soon became engaged in various political debates. In 351 he delivered the First Philippic and began attempting to rally the Athenians against the growing power of Philip II. Demosthenes was a leading mover behind the alliance of Athens and Thebes that Philip defeated at Chaeronea in 338. After Philip's death, Demosthenes continued to maneuver against the Macedonians, but committed suicide in 322 after the Greek defeat in the Lamian War.

1. First Olynthiac

2. Second Olynthiac

3. Third Olynthiac

4. First Philippic

5. On the Peace

6. Second Philippic

7. On Halonnesus

8. On the Chersonese

9. Third Philippic

10. Fourth Philippic

15. On the Liberty of the Rhodians

All texts come from The Speeches of Demosthenes vol. 1 & 2, translated by J. H. Vince for the Loeb Classical Library, 1930, and now in the public domain